Project Activities and Sustainability
Project Activities
The practical steps and measures that will be undertaken to reach the project’s goals, including research, training, and the creation of educational materials.
Desk study on gender gap
and financial education in Europe
and financial education in Europe
- Sharing of research methodology among partners.
- Research activities on gender gap and financial education in Europe.
- Writing of a report containing the results. It will contain quantitative data and qualitative information and a discussion of good practices and policies undertaken in the field.
Basic financial education course
through video tutorials
through video tutorials
- Identification of the contents of the basic financial education course with brainstorming meeting in Plovdiv.
- Preparation of the contents of the video tutorials of the basic financial education course.
- Delivery of the basic financial education course via video tutorials to the direct target group.
- Self-evaluation and course evaluation by the target group involved the result will be a short course consisting of video tutorials accompanied by infographics and attractive images, easily accessible via the web (YouTube, Landing Page).
Need analysis
of the project’s direct target
of the project’s direct target
- Elaboration of the questionnaires prepared for the direct target of the project.
- Questionnaire administration and monitoring of the answers.
- Statistical processing of the results obtained.
- Elaboration of a report containing the results that emerged. It will report the results that emerged and will be used to develop the training content of the course, aligning it with the basic skills already possessed by the target group in each country.
Handbook for trainers on instructional design:
virtual simulation for financial education
virtual simulation for financial education
- Development of virtual simulation scenarios.
- Development of a storyboard using User Stories (Agile Methodology).
- Development of a trainers’ manual on Instructional Design for financial education of disadvantaged women.
- The final blended conference on financial education as a tool to reduce the gender gap.
- The result will be a handbook for trainers on developing virtual learning experiences that fit the needs of the target group of adults, in this case, disadvantaged women.

Participation in this project will contribute to the development of the partner organizations involved, which will have the opportunity to become reference points in their territories as they will be the protagonists of important information and training work for companies. In short, it will allow them to improve their links with their communities of reference and grow their reputation and skills.
These 4 actions will guarantee the project’s sustainability.
- The website hosting the observatory and the information material produced will be updated and supplemented, both about new European legislative initiatives and the contents transposed by the Member States.
- A follow-up activity will be carried out, which will consist of evaluating the usefulness and satisfaction of the participants about the contents they have learned thanks to the project.
- The project will create benefits for the partners directly involved and the organizations the partners represent or with which they interact. Therefore, its dissemination and mainstreaming potential is relevant. Furthermore, the overall business fabric of the target territories will benefit from the project’s implementation, as it allows for the dissemination of content and good practices.
- Sustainability will be ensured through a Memorandum of Understanding, signed by the partners with the commitment to create a European Network on Financial Literacy that, after the project, can operate towards other targets through new projects funded by the Erasmus+ program and/or other public/private funds. During the project’s lifecycle, partners undertake to involve stakeholder organizations in their respective territories in joining the European Network on Financial Literacy. This will enable the creation of an expert partnership with a strong commitment for each new project proposal.